This is one of the most affordable tourism offers in Jordan, where we will visit 5 wonderful places and passing through amazing roads in Two-Days Trip... We will start our trip early morning by going directly to Petra , and we ll start the tour once we arrive to Wadi Mousa - Petra after 3 hours of driving ...
This is three day Fully Guided tour (Max of 6 travelers) to Mujib Siq Trail, Dana Nature Reserve, Al Shawbak castle, Little Petra, Petra, Wadi Rum, Gulf of Aqaba, Dead Sea Salt Beach and Dead Sea Amman Beach. We will start first day from Amman , visiting of Wadi Al Mujib and taking the Siq Trail ,
JERASH is one of the three great classical city sites of the Near East. Jerash , however, altogether different from Petra and Palmyra. The grandeur of Jerash is tempered by a charm to which one can relate immediately. Here the gods of antiquity presided benignly over the everyday life of the people, and still one can feel this human measure.
Once the stronghold of the talented Nabataean people Petra is renowned for its massive carved architecture and its ingenious pools, dams and water channels. Over 2000 years later, Petra is one of the Middle East s most significant sites of antiquity.
Game Boards :
Throughout Petra and in other Nabataean sites, various board games that are found in ancient Petra ,, the most common ancient board game that was discovered was from a game played on a 4 x 12 playing board. Each of the playing spots was actually a small cup carved into the rock.
Wadi Rum : One of the world’s outstanding desert landscapes… situated in the friendly and peaceful nation of Jordan … truly breathtaking scenery and a chance to experience desert life and Bedouin culture, which offers spectacular vistas of towering cliffs and bold rock formations etched by erosion into other-worldly forms.
Gadara or Umm Qais first appears in the historical records shortly after the conquest of the region by the forces of Alexander the Great in 333 BC. Alexander s successors, the Ptolemies, made the site a frontier or border the meaning of the toponym - with their perennial rivals, the Seleucids, who were based in Antioch, north Syria.
The stele of King Mesha constitutes one of the most important direct accounts of the history of the world that is related in the Bible. The inscription pays tribute to the sovereign, celebrating his great building works and victories over the kingdom of Israel during the reign of Ahab, son of Omri.
A journey through the passageways and open spaces of Petra of Jordan, with a close look at the myth and history of the Nabataean civilization and the rise and fall of the ancient city: Petra
This is one of my articles series that I started with few months ago , where I decided to walk along a Day Trip on each of the main sites in Jordan , So I’ve already posted Petra Day Trip in a Photo ,and that article contains hundreds of detailed photos about Petra , and how is going to look in a quick day trip tour,
Wadi Rum was and still my favorite place to visit in Jordan, especially for camping and spending the night, and because it is my favorite place, I have created a special trip tour for two days trip that takes you to Petra
For centuries the ancient Biblical lands east of the Jordan lay derelict and deserted. In A.D. I 122, the crusader William of Tyre noted that Jerash was reduced to a mass of ruins. A terrible torpor had settled on this almost forgotten land which persisted right up to the beginning of the nineteenth century.
The Nabataeans were people of innovation and technology. Many clear evidences were left behind them that prove this fact. Unfortunately for a site like Petra, visited by crowds of visitors and tourists every day,
Petra is a huge place, and you need definitely number of days in order to visit most important sites on Petra city, and longer time indeed to visit every place on Petra.Some places are not visited at all by the tourists mostly cause of the lake of time on their schedule even these places does worth a trip visit,
Wadi Rum, or Rum Valley is a glorious and unique place located at the southern desert - part of Jordan, and you would reach it after 3-4 hours of driving from Amman via the desert highway, and I usually use to recommend visiting of Wadi Rum as a part of Petra visit for two main reasons:
This is one of the most interesting trails in Petra area, in fact; this is my favorite trail. Visiting and exploring historical places on this part of Petra is amazing because every time I’m taking this trail I feel like if I’m the first and the only visitor who is discovering this area because it is very rare to see someone moving all over the trail ,
"On the way I saw a valley running down to the river Jordan, remarkably beautiful and very well kept, and it was full of vines and trees because there was plenty of good water there " Egeria, 4th century AD
Among Petra s ancient temples is a Byzantine church dating from the 5th and 6th centuries. Still being excavated, Petra Church contains some extraordinary Byzantine mosaics.The Petra Church is a Byzantine church in the ancient city of Petra, located a few hundred meters off the colonnaded street near the Temple of the Winged Lions.
It is not known how and when Christianity first came to Gerasa or Jerash. However, Jerash sent a bishop to the Council at Seleucia in AD 359. Thus, there would have been Christian presence in the city as early as the latter half of the fourth century.
The Dead Sea isn’t a huge tourist attraction, nor is it very lively, but it can hold huge potential to those who have an interest in chemistry or simply unique natural physical and geographic properties
Petra is a huge place, and you need definitely number of days in order to visit most important sites on Petra city, and longer time indeed to visit every place on Petra. Some places are not visited at all by the tourists mostly because of the lake of time on their schedule even these places does worth a trip visit,
I had the chance to visit Petra specifically in a Day Trip tens of times (even hundreds of times, but I stopped counting long time ago), also I had the chance to stay in Wadi Mousa city (Petra city) for few days with my guests , and I had the chance as well to see much more than a tourist can see not just in a day trip to Petra, but even more than what tourists can see in several days
ELI AH whose name means "my God is YAH (WEH) ," is one of the greatest Israelite prophets after Moses. He is frequently associated with the area of Transjordan and specifically the mountainous region of Ajloun to the north of the modern capital city of Amman.
Mount Nebo is one of Jordan s most important Christian Holy Sites: this is the spot where Moses(or Prophet Musa) is believed to have first seen the Promised Land that he would never entered.